If you have been diagnosed with cataracts and have some uncertainty about what the corrective procedure looks like, you are not alone. More than other kinds of operations, cataract surgery is safe and fast. Not only that, it is super-efficient to give you the perfect result you can see every desire.

To clear your doubt and calm your nerves, I have compiled every essential information you need to know about cataract surgery to answer any question that may be clouding your mind.
Who needs cataract surgery?
A cataract is an eye infection that makes vision blur and imperfect. Other symptoms may include double vision, night blindness, or even total blindness. When you notice any of the infections mentioned above, cataracts may be growing in your eyes. Meanwhile, you can’t just diagnose yourself based on assumptions. You need to visit a seasoned medical practitioner to confirm.

Even If you have been diagnosed with cataracts, you still might not necessarily need cataract surgery. How about that? Allow me to explain. Cataracts condition is usually gradual. If your vision imperfection has not gone to a severe level, going for cataract surgery might not be necessary. In that case, eyeglasses and contact lenses will correct the minor problems and restore your vision to the initial perfect condition. Though eyeglasses and contact lenses require constant updates and repairs, they can be good options for cataract surgery.
However, when cataracts grow, you may begin to see more severe symptoms. You may have to struggle with dim or blurry vision at this juncture. You may also experience double vision, meaning that every image turns two in your eyes. As mentioned above, the vision makes it hard for people to read, operate any device, or even do any activity that requires focusing eyesight.
You may also begin to have poor sight and find it challenging to drive both in the morning and night. While walking at night, looking at headlights becomes an issue as you would become sensitive to glare. As a sportsman, cataracts can make you perform woefully on the pitch or affect your overall life quality. In a nutshell, when you have advanced cataracts, your vision becomes extremely bad.
If you see the abovementioned symptoms, you indeed need cataract surgery. On the contrary, you might also be a good candidate for cataract surgery, even if your cataracts are at a minor level. It all depends on the instruction of your doctor. Visit http://relaxmyeyes.com/how-to-treat-a-dry-eye-disease-flare-up-after-cataract-surgery/ to read about How To Treat A Dry Eye Disease Flare-Up After Cataract Surgery.
How can I get ready for cataract surgery?
Before the day of cataract surgery, you need first to book a meeting with your surgeon to discuss the procedure’s success. It is essential to explain your health status to your doctor during the visitation. Basically, the consultation is meant for questioning and answering. Your doctor would seek honest answers by asking you questions concerning your health history.

You also need to ask any questions regarding whatever uncertainty you are nursing towards the day. Before the surgery date, you and your doctor must work together to determine the size of the lens suitable for you. Your surgeon would also examine you for eye infections and prescribe the proper medication to eliminate them.
Take note that you don’t eat or drink 12 hours before the surgery. You can plan it in your meal to don’t go to the surgery venue feeling famished.
What happens during cataract surgery?
There are not many ceremonies on the day of the surgery. Usually, nothing happens aside from the basics. The doctor breaks up the affected lens in your eyes and replaces it with an artificial lens. All things being equal, it doesn’t take more than an hour.

Cataract surgery is fast, safe, simple, and painless. Yet, you might be somewhat nervous during the procedure. It is customary for our surgeon to give you some medications to help you stay calm. Before the process begins, your doctor will administer special eye drops to numb eyes and keep them active throughout the surgery. Next, he will give you some sedative drugs to relax your nerves and make you stable.
Note that your surgeon cannot perform one cataract surgery for both eyes. If cataracts grow in both eyes, you will need two separate surgeries at different times. Ideally, you may need to rest a week before returning to the surgery venue for the other operation.
When will my vision get better after cataract surgery?
Your vision will become blurred temporarily within the first 24 hours. But, after that, you will gradually get an improved sight until your perfect vision is restored permanently. Depending on your situation, your surgeon may prescribe some aftercare medication, including consistent application of eye drops to aid the healing process.

To be precise, your vision will be perfectly restored within a few weeks after cataract surgery. How quickly you will recover is also subject to how deliberate you are with your aftercare medications. Your doctor will give you precise recommendations on using your medicine afterward.
Can cataracts regrow again after the surgery?
Yes! The cataract can return in your eyes after you have gone for surgery. It can grow again. Having cataract surgery doesn’t mean you can use your eyes anyhow. The bottom line here is to be conscious about managing your eyes’ health after the surgery. Typically, your surgeon would give you some professional tips on how you keep your eyes healthy after the surgery. Failure to adhere to that instruction will be putting your eyes in trouble.
Are the two cataract surgery options available?
We have traditional and laser-assisted cataract surgery. Though most patients prefer the laser-assisted option, both alternatives involve an incision in the eye. The surgeon would need to remove the affected lens and replaces it with a healthy artificial one. The significant difference between the traditional and laser-assisted is that the latter is more precise and doesn’t require more ultrasonic energy to remove the affected lens. That means speed in the process and less suffering to the eye.
Final Words
Having the right information about cataract surgery is good to get you prepared. It will also keep you less nervous during the procedure as you might have already done everything necessary to have a smooth and painless surgery. To learn more about cataract surgery, it is ideal to visit your eye doctor for more clarity and most importantly, an examination of your overall health to determine whether you are a good candidate for the surgery.